Love, Joy, Peace...
Meet Our Staff
Don Pellikan
Don Pellikan is an Elder in Full Connection with the North Texas conference of the United Methodist Church.
Worship Leader
Carole Venhaus
Music Director
Carole has been the music director for FUMCIP for the past 25 years. She leads the Grace Notes Praise Ensemble in the blended 8:15 a.m. service, the Chancel Choir in the traditional 10:40 a.m. service, the Anderson Ringers handbell choir, and works with the Kidz Klub Singers on Wednesday afternoons. Carole also selects the hymns and specials for all services and writes a devotional for the “Herald,” the church newsletter. Carole is invaluable to our mission to make Disciples of Jesus Christ!
Youth Pastor
Rex Seigler
Administrative Assistant
Robert Wilson
Multi-media Coordinator
Worship Leader
Pat Doan
Worship Leader short biography
Youth Pastor
Rob Robinson